I have some Yaskawa SGDH (position,speed,torque control) drives and SGDA-xxxP (position control) drives and some motors.
My questions pertain to wiring it up for use as step and direction control.
I was doing some searching and found some stuff related to having to use a buffered breakout board. I have and Axxus DB1 V2.0 board that I was going to use, but I don't know if it is buffered.

Buffered breakout board recommendations?

What are the pins to wire step and direction to on the SGDH? SGDA? I've looked at the manual, but it is not very clear to me (their diagram shows CW/CCW wiring, not step+dir).

Do I need to hook the drive up to the serial port and tweak any parameters on the drive?

What other things are going to be needed?
Anybody have some example wiring diagrams and pics of parallel port step & dir that work?
Did you use AC line filtering as in their example diagram(s)?

Good inexpensive source for cables for SGDH and SGDA drives?

Thanks in advance for any help!