
I have done this same setup on older controls (21 for example) and now I am trying the same on a very recent oi-TD.

Using a null model cable and setting up the serial transmission of a simple program, I place the control on receive mode. In this case the INPUT word is blinking - on older controls it was shown LSK.
Then I send the program from the PC.
Program content ends with the % character and a new line.

Now the issue:
While on older controls, when the program ends, the control automatically leaves the "receive mode" and shows the program on "edit mode", on this control it never leaves the INPUT blinking and when I press CANCEL I can observe that the program was correctly received (on first attempts I was thinking that nothing was received) but in fact it was correctly received.

Not sure if some parameter needs to be changed or the "end of file" content should be other so that the control acknowledges that indeed the program transfer ended.

Advice is welcome. Changing the cable is not a very good option as the client is remote (another country).
Thank you