I've been working on my retrofitted BF20 (G0704 "clone").
Aside from replacing the open loop steppers with Clearpath SDSK integrated servos (hopefully delivery later this week) because I got annoyed by missed steps and such stuff...
I'm also wanting to install a central lubrification system

What I'm slightly "confused" about are the ball-screws...
I've installed central lube systems on different machines so far that needed some type of way-oil ....
But the ball screws I have are greased (by a grease nipple / zerk fitting),...
Can the ball screws be lubed with the same kind of oil that's used on the machine ways instead?
My experience with ball-screws is a tad limited.

from what I know - grease would offer longer maintenance intervals for the ball-screws,... but that would be a bit of a moot point, considering a central lubrification system would be activated at regular intervals anyhow...

Last but not least: Cutting oil-grooves in the ways...
I have a larger milling machine (conventional) and would thus have no problem milling nice oil grooves into the ways of the BF20... but on a small-ish machine such as the BF20, is it even necessary compared to a single-point of entry for the oil...?