Way back in March 2022 I posted a thread Another DIY CNC Machine Project… - Looking for some advice To get some feedback on a custom medium sized CNC machine I was in the process of designing. I received a lot of advice and recommendations the helped me improve my design and after about a month I finalized my core mechanical design and proceeded to order CNC machine parts, Aluminum extrusions and custom aluminum machining from two vendors in China, (HLTNC for the CNC parts and Langle for the Aluminum parts). I was able to get HLTNC to ship their parts to Langle domestically and Langle shipped everything in one crate. My order date for the CNC parts was April 1 and for the aluminum April 11. Then the waiting began because the weight require everything come together by seagoing freight. The crate Left Shanghai close to 60 days later on June 7. After over a month at sea the cargo arrive at port in Houston, TX sometime between July 22 and July 25. Getting the crate out of port and shipped to my house was the most difficult part of the entire process and was surprisingly more expensive than I expected. Port handling fees and import duty ended up making up almost 22% of the total cost, with all the freight costs, duty and fees totaled close to 40% of my total spend. Still, I couldn't purchase what I got domestically for anything close to what I spent.

So with that little history blurb here are some pictures of the crate before it was closed up and sent off to to me.

And here are some photos of everything in the crate laid out on my shop floor. I had the crate shipped to where I work to take advantage of better pricing having it arrive at a commercial dock. I unpacked everything there and transferred all the parts to my wife's minivan so there were no unpacking photos.