Hi all,
So this guy I know was running a small program in PathPilot on his 770M yesterday. The doofus started up the program and proceeded with the machining, but realized the last two tools in the program weren’t properly entered in Offsets yet. He noted that when in the “run-program” mode in PP, the “Offsets” tab isn’t available, so he concluded he was stuck and so he bailed on the program at that point. He thought about simply re-starting and running the program again from the beginning (the idgit at least knows how to do that…) with like a blank tool holder in the spindle until he got to the two last tools, but it was dinner time and he was thoroughly ticked at himself and so he gave it up until the next day.

The guy wants to know exactly how in the heck you recover from this properly, I.e., how you ‘stop’, get the missing offsets in there correctly, and then go back to the program and have it only do those last two ops. He says he’s read the 770M/PP manual over and over on this sort of topic, but still hasn’t got it! Thanks—