Good morning everybody, so I’ve got a question for those who are familiar with what types of encoders work with gecko’s g320x drives. So originally when I first hooked up my drives, I had 3 Dynapar f14(2000/0330X03), 2 of which worked fine, and the third was broken. So I placed an order to replace it, but not only was it a little pricy, it had a lead time of over a month. Being as impatient as I am, I decided to leave the order active, and in the meantime I found someone selling NOS (new old stock) baldor OE0316A02 encoders for 30$ each. So I ordered 3 of them to use until my Dynapar showed up in the mail, and if they worked good enough, I was going to cancel the Dynapar and save 250$ But none of the baldor encoders are sending any kind of signal back to the drive, according to my oscilloscope. So I’m wondering if someone can make an educated guess as to if the problem is because the baldor encoders use a type of output not compatible with my g320xs or if it could be as simple as maybe needing a pull up resistor. Sorry I can’t give more info on the new encoders, I can’t find any spec sheets or install guides anywhere on the internet If someone has any ideas I can try I’d appreciate the wisdom