I'm getting back into the shop after a long hiatus (6+ months) and am wondering about two things. First, any special things I should do when firing the machine back up after a long rest? My thinking was to run the oil pump for a cycle before moving the axes at all as the ways are pretty dry, and then giving it another cycle or two of oil while moving them around to give it a good wetting. Anything else I should check or do to avoid damaging anything? Visible surfaces are as rust-free as when I Iast ran it.

Second, my unheated space is down to the high 50s (F) and will likely be there until March or so. The manual says normal operating range is down to 45F so I'm assuming there's nothing special I need to do. I'm not worried about holding tenths so any movement of the machine over 20 degrees will be a non-issue.