It is almost a dead trade.
Most C of Q guys are button pushing monkeys or assemblers.
Most shops are only selling spindle time at cut-rate prices and only hire minimum wagers, this is the beauty of the CNC era (roll eyes). This is why we haven't quoted machining for years.
The best is to get talented young people out of the local high schools technical program and apprentice them yourself, otherwise you have to steal them from other jobbing shops. If a skilled tradesman is unemployed in my area it usually means they need to change their career path.
As a multi-trade holder myself, I would likely tell you to pound salt if you asked my to spend a day showcasing my skills. Why should I when there is a line up of places waiting?
You should probably keep on like you are and remember to use the 3 month probation period. If you are still unsure if that person is a keeper at 3 months it is because they are not and you are just being a nice guy