Hello everyone,
I'm a complete newbie here, trying to learn a bit and help my brother out at the same time. He is well versed in running CNC equipment, but not in the workings of the computer/driver/motor/working electronics end of things. He's now ready to do a home CNC build project, and has a few parts salvaged from scrapped equipment.
First, he's got some Superior Slo-Syn Nema 34 motors which vary from 200 oz in to 450 oz in. The machine these came from was a numerically controlled Boyar-Schultz grinder, and the driver cards are made by Design Animation. He's got a card for each motor, and some other 'main board' controller that the driver cards connected to.
Design Animation part numbers on the boards are
150036 rev8
The main board is # 150033 rev D.
We're trying to find info on Design Animation and these boards; my searches turn up nothing. Does anyone know if they are useable for a home CNC project? (We're considering Mach for control software). If not I suppose Geckos would be the answer?
Secondly, he's got some Berger Lahr motors and boards. The motors are
#URDM 5913/50 LNI. I see from a search they are 5 phase steppers. He's got boards that go with these too, Berger #D550.01. Same questions on these boards, I can't find any info. I believe these were from an IR waterjet.
We're looking for input on which way to go for the first home cnc build. Any comments based on what we've got?