I recently bought a Konnect board and what to know how to wire a touch plate. Two questions:

First, while I had the board ordered I temporarily wired a touch plate into JP4 pin 15 per this suggestion from an older thread on Yahoo:

You should ground the case of the router. Then attach a stiff pullup resistor (300 ohms or so) between 3.3V and any unused I/O, and configure that I/O as an input. Connect that I/O to your touchplate. When the tool touches the touchplate, the input will go low.
Tom replied to the above post saying yes, but add a resistor or something for protection. Naturally I didn't do that as the above worked just fine. Until it didn't. Now when in KMotion.exe, bits 26 - 35 seemingly randomly toggle on and off. Some are permanently in checked state. Did I do permanent damage to the board?

I have been using the router w/o touch plate successfully so I know everything else works.

Second question:

How can I wire a touch plate to my Konnect? Hopefully without damaging anything. I was planning on doing the same type of configuration, but I don't want to take any chances with my brand new I/0 board. I have a separate 24v power supply if need be, or I can pull 12v from my main power supply. I have an assortment of resistors also.

I have added

InitAux();AddKonnect(0,&VirtualBits,VirtualBitsEx) ;

to the beginning of my init file. When I go into .exe I can toggle the outputs of Konnect and the corresponding LED will toggle on and off. Toggling the virtual bits on the input side don't do anything though.
