I have been using Bobcad for a number of years doing 2.5D work. I have a need to starting using some 3 axis work. To test a toolpath I need to cut I took a 3x3x.5" cube and cut a 2x2 pocket all the way through it using a 2axis pocket with a 1/2" flat end mill. I then want to radius that 2x2 pocket with a .250" radius up to the top of the part. I used the 3axis Z level finish toolpath to do this using a 1/2" ball nose end mill. My machine has a CAT30 spindle maxing out at 3500 RPM which is why I am using a larger end mill.

Is there a better method to machine this pocket and radius? I know in this particular test case I could use a 1/2" corner radius end mill but since some of my work will be both convex and concave pockets I am using this to learn ways to do this before attempting on complex shapes.

I have attached the bbcd file in a zip file. I have not set any of the feeds/speeds yet, just looking at toolpaths.

Any advice would be appreciated.
