Hello All,
I am looking for an answer for my CNC Router issues. The issue is clunking or loosing steps. I am running four Compumotor S6 Drivers and four S83-135 stepper motors, C10 Bidirectional Breakout board, Mach3 and an old computer. This machine runs beautiful most of the time, I would say 95%. But the motors will start clunking and loosing steps, and sometimes just down right stall.
What i have tried..

1. I uncoupled the motors from the shafts and found it still clunks with no load.

2. Reduced acceleration of the motors and still clunks.
3. Reduced amps going to motors and still clunks.

I happened to notice something today with the Pulse Frequency in Mach3, which for the most part is stable at 25000. When the clunking happens the Pulse Frequency drops to 24,996-24,870 the lower the pulse the louder the clunking.

My question is…..
1. Would the clunking cause the Pulse Frequency to drop.. OR is the Pulse Frequency drop causing the clunking?

2. 1. Is the Kernel Speed the same thing as the Pulse Frequency?

3. 2. If I change the Kernel Speed to 35,000 what changes do I need to do to 'retune' the motors?

4. 3. Could it just be the old computer?

Thank to all for any answers.