Hi folks. I am in charge of a project! A big one Something I know very little about... I need to install a laser cutter on this 10 foot by 29 30? Gantry. I need some suggestions on how and what. So far we use this machine with a sharpie to draw out patterns for boat enclosures and carpet and a draw knife on some plastic stuff. We are planning to cut fabrics, 1/4 inch vynil mats, some wood for inlaying maybe... Here is a pic of actual gantry set up

Attachment 271668

Please make some suggestions. Also ask as many questions you need. I am interested in price, what wattage I need, types of lasers and basically whatever you guys can throw at me.

Am thingking about attaching a co2 laser tube laser vertically pointing don toward the wood (Aluminum sheet) thinking about solid state. Nor really sure what i am thinking. other than I want to cut on this thing,

Am planning to put 6 5x10 aluminum sheets under laser cutting place

is there certain kind of al i need? If my questions sound ignorant. They probably are. I have done very little research footwork on who what where when how and why this is the beginning of it. And My questions will probably be less dumb over time. I decided to turn to some experts (You guys) first to see if there are any easy answers.

(Like) Dude just buy an 80w RECI tube and power it with a gerbil in a cage.

We can fabricate mounts from, wood, metal, Peruvian bat guano, Whatever i need some help I humbly request every ones assistance to help me spend my boss's money in a responsible/reasonable fashion.

I am working on the exauhst fume removal system independently I am fully awre that this baby will be smoking out cancer smoke when cutting and am planning some serious filtration.exhaustion.