Attachment 271050Attachment 271052Attachment 271054Attachment 271062

hi!! everybody !!

My name is arny!!:and I'm not speak english ,, sorry ,, Im just write a few many wrotes. I hope and you can help me !!
Im a new guy in the forum so..
I buy a tree drive and steppers motor ,,
this is the dates of the motor and drive´s

Power Max II 1.8° STEP motor
Model; P22NSHS- LNN NS-02
Cust.T/N: I(DC): 3.1 A Bipolar paralle VS: 35v
PO: 58 W
T 90° C max
1500 RPM.

Model No.: 6410- 030-N-N-N
Pasific Scientific S/N: 03C- 1544.
Pin 1 Step +
pin2 Dir +
Pin3 Enable +
Pin 6 Step-
Pin7 Dir-

I download the data sheet of the drive but my problem is the nex

they have a
Pin 1 Step +
Pin 2 Dir +
Pin 3 Enable +
Pin 6 Step-
Pin 7 Dir-
Pin8 Enable-

I test the drive with the motor connection to voltage source 24 volts, and with a 5 volts test the voltage pulses
Pin 1+ 5 volts and Pin 6 -vcc the motor move,, , so when want to change the motor direction this does't make the change.. I make the test to tree drive ,, so ,,
please help me ,!! ,,,

I think I do wrong something
alguien habla español?