well, i am using a power supply with 14,4~A, but i need to buy a voltimeter to measure the voltage, related to the dip setting of TB6560 the x and y is set to 100% current and z to 50% and still Z axis is almost impossible to stop with hand, maybe the dip pins could have problem, like they are not changing, relating to the micro-stepping in first days of my CNC i was using 1/16, now i am using 1/2, which increase a lot the maximum speed allowed, so am i seeing the situation myself i think that could be the TB6560 or things is just too tight, my grandpa was a toolmaker and he setup the machine without knowing what he was doing and he like things just too tight but it have a small chance that could be Voltage because i am using the power supply connected to a power grid stabilizer which could reduce the performance of the power supply