I can tell you that even top shelf software can have glitches and issues with installations. You do not get immediate answers from the support with them either. A few weeks back, I installed SolidWorks or attempted to. It would not complete the install. Tried for days. Gave up. Sent a trouble ticket the first day. One week later I get an email that says they need the install log. Decided to take one more stab at it and then it worked for some reason. So, no need to contact them back. I found out that I wasn't the only one that experienced similar issues. Of course, not everyone does.

I have other software that is supported well and I count Dolphin as one of the better ones in this area. They have always taken care of any issues I have had. What more can you really ask for.

The bug in the sim software isn't in the Dolphin side I don't think, but in the ModuleWorks side of it. That is how I understood it. With a one button work around, I am satisfied with it. You can't tell by looking at the simulation or seeing any crashes whether it is inches or metric.