Well. I have to say that I have a very successful week, my machine is hooked to the computer and they are talking to each other! I have to say to every one that try one of this kind of endeavors, check the "Stupid $%^&*(:boxing Serial Printer port cable for continuity on every single pin! I have a brand new one.. (chair)and go figure brand new and only 4 (flame2)pins where actually sending and receiving signals from the computer.... So needless to say! I literally try a few thousand things because I couldn't conceive to think that it was the Serial printer port cable.
I will be showing my RPM sensor working on Mach3 and hopefully I will have some kind of Way Cover to protect my electronics cables and switches before I start to cut some threads,

Thanks for all the support, and Hope to hear again from the guy that told me that I wouldn't need a Encoder to make my tool changer work! I would like to ask hem a few questions of the how!
Mach3 have excellent macro tutorials an I'm looking forward to see my machine working for me and making parts for my projects.