Hi Guys,

I am a total newbie on CAM and so.. I use a Arboga Combimatic with TNC155 controller. I've been programming in the machine for a few years, but my aim is to start using a CAM program and send it to the controller from my PC. I write this in the Bridgeport forum because I've heard that many Bridgeport mills has the TNC-controller...

I'm using CAMBAM with a working post processor (both G-code and Heidenhain-code). Everything works fine, I have a document (xxx.H) with a perfectlly working code.

My question is, what to do next? I've downloaded the "TNCremo" and I have a rs232-cable that is connected in the following way (after instructions that I red somewhere on this forum):

9-pin 25-pin

I've heard that I need to check some parameters on the controller and change the modes "FE, ME or EXT"...

However, I got the program code on my computer, A working serial cable (at least I think it works..), but I need help with the rest of the steps. Would be very happy if someone can write me a instruction like I am 3-years old, because I don't know anything about this right now.

Please excuse my bad english, I'm a stupid Swede.. :-)

Best Regards,