I am doing some small work in acrylic, generally .04 drills and small <.25 endmills, going down to 1/16th. My mill however is pretty sluggish and not really capable of the typical speeds and feeds acrylic wants. Spindle speed tops out at 10k, and I keep my cuts to 25IPM, although she will do 30 I don't want to see lost steps, esp with it so cold in the shop. I am wondering if you guys can give pointers on what kinds of compromises should I make, Do I want to keep my CL constant and just do everything at top speed and scale for that or what?

also a weird note, I have been peck drilling lots of small deep (>.5) holes and find it seems to work best at values WAY outside the reccomended range. NO cooling or air, I just tend to it w/ a brush to keep chips out, although when I have the time to babysit I wet it down and it does stick much less. If you were drilling .04 holes in acrylic, and were stuck inside my machiens range what settings would you try first?

RPM 1k-10k
<25 IPM
no coolant/me with a brush

thanks guys!