Hi All,

Last week, my computer hard drive crashed. I've had to re-install my Esprit 2011 software for Wire EDM.

To program my Mitsubishi EDM [4th axis programming], I create the 3-D geometry in AutoCAD and then open the drawing in Esprit. So far, so good. Everything looks like it is supposed to look.

However, when I now attempt to select this geometry, Esprit will accept the first 'click', turing the piece of geometry 'gray' [but doesn't have the geometry tag that it usually shows], then, when I do the second 'click' instead of turning 'blue' and keeping the selection, the piece of geometry turns back to original color and is now unselected.

My dongle IS working, the light is on.

Is there a setting I need to change? Or did something go wrong with installing the software?

I am going to try calling the software reseller; but since my company did not keep up with the maintenance contract, I do not know how much assistance they will give me. My user name & password no longer works on the DP Technologies web-site.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer!
