Hello been searching here for lots of great info but I coulnt find an answer to my issue so I thought I would ask. I have a very nice series I Bridgeport with an Anilam Crusader II control. The control comes on and displays properly according to the manual. I am trying to advance the X,Y and Z axis in the rapid traverse, the x and y seem good the z pops the servo motor relay when I try to andvance it. Another thing I noticed is that the x and y servo motors have a high pitched sound but the z does not. Additionally the x and y axis can not be moved by hand once the servos are turned on but the z axis only resists movement in one direction. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I gather by reading that these are problematic controls but this unit seems to be very nearly new in terms of use so perhaps if I can get it working and I can get some use from it before I will have to upgrade.