Hi Everybody,
I was thinking of wiring up my system pretty soon. I have a few, a lot of questions though before I get started just to make sure.
1) How do you wire a normal light switch for your main E-Stop Switch to tell the computer that the machine has had an E-Stop Command?
2) How does the home/limit switch setup for the Xylotex work? I see how you wire it, but how does it work? You get the five volts, it passes through the 10k Resistor, and then what? How does the information get to the computer? If the switch is tripped from normally closed how does the computer know when it has been tripped or what not?
The Xylotex Site for the Wiring for Home Switch Parallal is :
(I hope I'm allowed to say that)
3) Am I allowed to say that?
4) How do you know if the resistor is pull up or not, and which do you need for the Xylotex setup? Or just wire it the way it shows.

5) If your only using two axis' out of the three on the board which I have, the older model, how do you shut off one axis so that no power is going to it? Or is it alright to just run it as it is? I don't think that it is though.

Thank you all sooo much for all of your help.
This is a great great site.
I really appreciate your help.
Thank you.