Ever notice the text that appears in the pane over on the left when you draw stuff in 2D Geometry? When everything is working correctly (...and that's not a given for me at this time), you get some kind of language over there that is describing points, lines, polygons and such.
I've been having some trouble with mouse coordination between what I see and what Sprutcam interprets for mouse position. (another thread) I was trying to find ways around the problem so I could keep working.

I was able to hack at it and start entering text there. First, I would click or cursor to a line, then look to see what gets highlighted in the picture on the right. Some of the lines describe points, some are lines. There was a line that started with "K17 = " and listed a bunch of previously described points. That line described the polygon that results from connecting all those points, in order, with lines.

It appears that one can describe 2D Geometry objects completely with this interesting text language. (Of course, at this point, doing so would be worse than writing G-code by hand. At least I can find documentation for G-code. )

My question is: Does anyone know what this language is, or where it might be described or documented? If I can't solve my "(another thread)" problem one way, maybe I can claw my way through in some other way?

So how about it? Is there such thing as a Sprutcam Hacker? (sound of gauntlet being thrown on the floor)
