1. sometimes when the machine is cold or it goes out of sleep mode(hasnt been used for a while) it gets stuck, you for example, want to change tool, or want to reference it or want to do tool measurement, it wont run, it starts, on the monitor there will be the message "Running" but everything goes still, nothing happens, you can wait for an hour, nothing will move, but when you reset and repeat the procedure, everything will be normal

2. inside program, when you do the search by using handle jog, sometimes, it wont work, you'd have to use cursor keys to move inside program, the handle jog stops working, then again, after a while, probably some weird key combination was pressed (unknowingly), the handle jog unfreezes and you can search inside program using it normally.

3. most important, sometimes the machine moves work offset on itself!!
it happened to me yesterday, but this was not first time, 3 other times it happened, it was right after the "Jog away" mode, when returning back to workpiece. Every time it was moved by exactly 1mm, not 1.22, or 0.77 or 0.94, it was exactly by 1mm move.
Yesterday it happened for the first time without using jog away mode.
I lost half a day working on that part and the machine screws it up right before the end.

And these bugs were not experienced on 1 machine, they were experienced on three different vf2s