I want to do some mill turning on my Tormach 1100 S3. I have watched a number of YouTube videos and tried to learn as much as I can before attempting
to Mill Turn a part or two. Has anyone on the forum run their 1100 PCNC for Mill Turning? I am using Fusion 360 and went through their multi chapter tutorial
on regular lathe turning as well.

My main concern is changing the post processor file in Fusion. I have watched NYC CNC's video on this too.

Here is a list of some resources for anyone else considering this operation that I found helpful.

Lucas is busy a YouTuber videos. He discusses changing the Post Processor setting to allow lathe ops.
VAR = turning =(currentSelection.getType() **TYPE_TURNING)

Jason Hughes videos on mill turning

Eric Colvin's videos

Dragon Innovations YouTube video

Dragonwrath Innovations quote from comments on his video:
4 years ago
Very good question, wasn't sure if I had mentioned in videos.
In 360 select the post processor you want to use and click
open config. control - F to 'find' and look for 'xformat'.
There will be a scale: value, it is likely set to 2 in your
case. Set it to 1 and you should be good to go! Thanks for watching

John Grismo

Lars Fusion 360 Mill turn