Several KMotionCNC Users have requested a method of having a C Program request an Operator Input Value so we have added this capability.

Within the C Program make a call to InputBox() - example below:

#include "KMotionDef.h"
#define TMP 10 // which spare persist to use to transfer data
#include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"

    int Answer;
    float value;

    Answer = InputBox("Enter Distance",&value);
    if (Answer)
        printf("Operator Canceled\n");
        printf("Operator Entered Value of %.3f\n",value);

Executing this code will generate a Dialog Box within KMotionCNC and allow the Opertor to enter a value such as 123.456 (or Cancel):

Attachment 244220

With the result depending on the Operator input of:

Attachment 244222

To make use of this functionality add and patch the following files in Test Version V4.33c

Files are located here:

Index of /Software/Patch/AddValueInputKFLOP_KMotionCNCV433c

Copy KMotionCNC.exe to the KMotion/Release Directory
Copy PC-DSP.h to the DSP_KFLOP directory
Copy KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c to the C Programs Directory
Copy MessageInputBox.c to the C Programs Directory

Please provide feedback if problems are encountered.
